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Product Code: MWD510
Availability: SOLD!

Price: $325.00
Ex Tax: $325.00

The sixties was a bad time for manufacturers.  Everything was being moved to different countries... first Japan and then China.  And everything was getting more flimsy and cheap, as manufacturers searched for ways to cut costs.  But this Signature 510D is surprisingly sturdy, compared to the other typewriters of this age.

You can see the almost blemish-less covers on this, and we guarantee all mechanical functionality with our 90 day warranty.

The carrying case comes with the set of keys, which were originally sold with it.  But in the end, you have to press the character keys to really appreciate this machine. While it fits nicely into its case, it has the feel of a solid, desktop, permanent typewriter, instead of a portable.

If ordering outside the Cincinnati area, there'll be an added $30 for shipping.  If you're local, call me and set up an appointment, and I can give you a full demonstration, along with a crash-course on using manual typewriters.

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