"I think it just needs to be cleaned... it mostly works, but some of the keys stick."
That's what we often hear from customers when they bring an older typewriter to us. But generally, if the keys are sticking, then a lot of other things are sticking as well. Those other things aren't noticed until the keys stop sticking--so there's often no way for the average person to tell how much work a typewriter really needs. If you really want to know how much work your typewriter will require, then try checking the following:
- Does the carriage advance work?
- Does the carriage release work?
- Roller Advance: Does the roller advance?
- Roller Advance: Does the line spacing setting work?
- Roller Advance: Does the roller lock down and release properly?
- Does the ribbon advance work?
- Does the ribbon advance reversal work LEFT?
- Does the ribbon advance reversal work RIGHT?
- Does the ribbon lift work?
- Do all the letters strike?
- Do all the strikers slide back into place?
- Do the letters print evenly in a straight line?
- Do the letters space evenly?
- Does the shift work?
- Does the shift lock and unlock?
- Does the tab button work?
- Does the tab set and release work?
- Do the margins work?
- Does the bell work?
- Does the margin release button work?
- Does the back-space work?
- Does the spacebar work?
- Does the strike force setting work?
These are the things we check before counting a typewriter as 'fixed.'
Each of the typewriters we sell has been gone over with a fine-tooth comb. But we don't just check these functions. We make sure that the mechanisms are well oiled and properly set, so that they will continue working for years and years--the way the typewriter was when it was first manufactured. If a function works, but barely works, we adjust it and often replace springs to make sure that it isn't going to quit after using it for just a few months.
Writers often use typewriters to get over their writer's block. A typewriter will only help them if it's working properly. If a function doesn't work, they might be able to get around it by forcing it or jiggling something, but that breaks the writer's flow, and the typewriter becomes more of a hinderance than a help.
If you want a working typewriter (a newer electric one or an antique that's over 100 years old) then get one from Cincinnati Repair. We guarantee our typewriters for 90 days, even with heavy, daily use.