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Brand: Smith Corona
Product Code: 2015018
Availability: 1

Price: $225.00
Ex Tax: $225.00

For Sale: Smith Corona 350 DLE Spell-Right Dictionary Electric Typewriter S#2015018

Very simple, yet has all the functions necessary to fill out forms, index cards, and write letters.  With one added bonus: a DICTIONARY!  The typewriter beeps when you type a word it doesn't recognize.  Very handy for people like myself who make a lot of typo's.  That combined with the erasing backspace, makes it fast and easy to type a letter.

Manufactured in 1992, the plastic is plenty strong and not aged enough to be brittle.  It's a small enough to be considered portable (along with a handy-dandy handle) but large enough to fit comfortably and permanently on a desktop.

Call me and set up an appointment to have a complete demo and a crash-course on how these manual typewriters work.

If you're in Cincinnati, I offer free delivery.  If ordering it from outside Cincinnati, choose the option to add $30 for shipping.

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